Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to Stay Focussed

1. Remove distractions
Distractions are part of life, but when they interfere with what you are doing they can slow you down and take you off course. A simple thing may be to turn your phone off for example. If you are writing a book, turning off all phones, social media and the like will help enormously. Look at the task in hand and see which distractions slow you down and remove them or at least minimize them.

2. Be creative
We are all different, so define what helps YOU to stay focussed. If having a break every hour helps you, do that. Schedule it into the day.

3. Remind yourself of the bigger picture

It can be easy to get disheartened when we forget why we are doing something. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Physical reminders can be helpful for longer term projects such as writing your aim on a whiteboard in your office.

4. Don't get burnt out
Keep some balance to whatever you are trying to accomplish. Trying to do too much too quickly can be just as damaging as doing too little. Listen to your intuition and know when to switch off.

5. Plan

By setting a plan each day for what you are going to achieve helps you to stay on track. It is easy to lose focus and be distracted when we can't remember what we are meant to be doing. A simple plan is great, don't overwhelm yourself but have a clear list of what you plan to achieve each day.

6. Acknowledge your achievements
This is a big one! Make sure you acknowledge what you do!

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